It's a small trick to create symlink using GF client instead of Steam's files.
Just for preventing Steam redownload large files everytime, and reduce the disk space usage.
Thanks to Lami Yui in SWHQ for suggestion.
1. Pause/stop steam's update if already in progress, then Fully exit Steam
2. Install GF client if you've not installed yet. Download
Now depends on different situation you are, follow few different steps:
A. For someone have Steam client but not update yet after May 3, and don't want to download 2.7GB with May 3's patch:
3. Move Steam's client files to GF's Client's location.
> C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SoulWorker\* (all contents)
> C:\Games\SoulWorker\Client\
4. Get this file here.
It's only for version which is before May 3's update. Others are not support.
5. Place the downloaded Live-Client.version together with GF client's Launcher.exe
6. Run GF Launcher but no need to login, just wait it done auto-update and patch until finished.
※If above steps are done normally, will show only 30~55MB update and no error message appear.
※If it shows about 55XXMB to do and redownload with internet, maybe you've do something wrong. please check your files or steps above.
7. Close GF client.
8. Go to D part.
B. For someone already had Steam client and already up-to-date after May 3 (but before May 8):
3. Move Steam's client files to GF's Client's location.
> C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SoulWorker\* (all contents)
> C:\Games\SoulWorker\Client\
4. Get this file here.
It's only for the up-to-date version which is after May 3's update. Others or newer are not support.
5. Place the downloaded Live-Client.version together with GF client's Launcher.exe
6. Go to D part.
C. For everyone whether you had Steam client or not, and whether it's latest or not:
3. Run GF Launcher but no need to login, just wait it done auto-update and patch until finished.
4. Close GF client.
5. Navigate to your Steam apps folder, it would be here in default:
> C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common
6. (If exist) Rename the SoulWorker folder to whatever blahblahblah (or just delete it to save disk space).
7. Go to D part.
D. If done above steps already:
1. Open Command Prompt as Admin. (how to in W7) (how to in W8/10?)2. Depends on where your GF client and Steam client are, type or copy-paste below to command prompt
> mklink /D <Steam client path> <GF client path>
For example, I'm installed in default location, then should be like this:
> mklink /D "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SoulWorker" "C:\Games\SoulWorker\Client"
After that, a symlink will be create there like pic shows:
3. Open appmanifest_630100.acf under steamapps with notepad (recommend notepad++)
4. Find "manifest" below "InstalledDepots" and "630101" below "MountedDepots"
5. Change the values after them to the latest from here.
※Original and latest value should be a long digit such like "3448658321428106839"
Belows are needed if your Steam already find update and exist those value, or if they're different to below
6. Change the value after "StateFlags" to "4"
7. Change the value after "UpdateResult" to "0"
8. Delete all text after "StagedDepots" (also), except the last symbol }
9. Save and close the file.
If all done, should be similiar like the pic shows below.
※Steam will set those value back if you've not fully exit Steam before
10. Launch Steam, might already skip update. Enjoy :)
If already done all stuff once, now you will only need 30~500MB when official updates every time in future with few setps:
1. Open GF Launcher and wait update finished, then close it.
2. Manually edit that steam acf file again as D part start from Step 3, but latest manifest value. :)
If someone good at coding, could make a small app to let them easier and update acf file easily.
If Steam start download before you do these, it might exist some files or folders with name 630100 under steamapps\downloading or temp, delete them to save some disk space.