2022年8月3日 星期三

部分程式語言的 雙等號 == 與三等號 === 及其驚嘆號版 != 與 !== 差異

這次就趁客戶問起 JS 之類的東西,


以下範例主要會用 JavaScript 來做參考



= 是指派變數
== 是程式上的判斷 相等與否
!= 則是 == 的相反意思 (不相等與否)


var Temp = 123;    // 指派變數
if (Temp == 123) { 程式碼A }
if (Temp != 456) { 程式碼B }


這次客戶問起的 Google 雲端 APP Script 中,
程式碼的語言是 Javascript,
在 JavaScript 以及一些程式語言(如PHP)當中,
== 可以做純判斷沒錯,但通常只會判斷"值",

在某些時候,會要求資料型態也要正確,就會多用一個 =;
!= 同理,如果連資料型別也要判斷是否不相等,就會用 !==
※不是全部程式語言都有 === 或 !== 的問題


var Temp = "123";    // 指派變數
if (Temp == 123) { 程式碼A }
if (Temp != 123) { 程式碼B }
if (Temp === 123) { 程式碼C }
if (Temp !== 123) { 程式碼D }
if (Temp === "123") { 程式碼E }
if (Temp !== "123") { 程式碼F }


程式碼A 會被執行:Temp 的 數值 在自動轉型後是相等的

程式碼B 不會執行:Temp 的 數值 在自動轉型後並非不相等

程式碼C 不會執行:Temp 的資料型態是 "字串",if 中的判斷為 是否為"數字"型態的 123,型別沒有相等

程式碼D 會被執行:Temp 的資料型態是 "字串",if 中的判斷為 是否為"數字"型態的 123,型別確定不相等

程式碼E 會被執行:Temp 的資料型態是 "字串",if 中的判斷為 是否為"字串"型態的 123,型別與內容都相等

程式碼F 不會執行:Temp 的資料型態是 "字串",if 中的判斷為 是否為"字串"型態的 123,型別與內容都沒有不相等



2019年1月19日 星期六

[繁化][老遊] 霹靂奇俠傳v1.1 多功能內存修改器1.0 繁體版

必須邊拿 AppLocale 或 Locale Emulator 來做簡體比對才能方便使用,



2019年1月10日 星期四

[教學] 用最簡單的方法「真正永久」防止Win10年度自動更新,甚至是W7/8/8.1的自動升級到Win10

到服務管理停用Update服務、更改Group Policy群組原則之類的設定,
連 Batch 語法、 VBS 跟自動排程都有了,


[Guide] Preventing Win10AnniversaryUpdate/AnySystemAutoUpgradeToWin10 in easiest way "Permanently"

Apparently, much people think that Win10 system is so troublesome,
especially the most bugged and annoying AutoUpdate and AnniversaryUpdate.
I've saw most post on the Internet have said such like:
Go to the service config to disable the Update service, change the settings of the Group Policy, even using Batch scripts, VBS and system scheduling.
But in many cases, the Win10 system will automatically turn them on again, result in too complicated but ineffective @@

In fact, the method is really really simple I think......
Only need few steps then you can solve everything "permanently",

2018年5月5日 星期六

[Guide] For SoulWorker Steam users who don't want Steam redownload large files when new update everytime

It's a small trick to create symlink using GF client instead of Steam's files.
Just for preventing Steam redownload large files everytime, and reduce the disk space usage.
Thanks to Lami Yui in SWHQ for suggestion.


1. Pause/stop steam's update if already in progress, then Fully exit Steam
2. Install GF client if you've not installed yet. Download

Now depends on different situation you are, follow few different steps:

2018年2月27日 星期二

[Guide] SoulWorker - Using Japanese (JP) voices in NA/EU (GameForge) servers

All resources and original voices/files are belongs to Lion Games and the original publisher. Do not take these files for comercial use or else illegal. If you want to repost this article, please remember to put source of author and site.

Please understand it's against ToS, though official has no way now to detect you're using it or not.

Use at your own risk, no one is responsible of anything that can happen to your account if using these mods.

==========※Update Info: May.31 17:54PM==========

1. Updated 65~68's JP voice storyline since they've just add them :D

2. Fixed some of DesireWorker action's wrong voice, Jin's Provoke in Town.
※If your Jin got muted using pack in above DL link,
 use the original one in below link.
※Desire Worker's voices have confirmed too low level, but I can do nothing to them as they've already loud enough in original audio file. We need to wait dev team change "Sound Settings" -> "SoundFX" / "Voice" to let them separated so you can adjust them louder.

Toooooooooooo busying at my own life recently, please know I have no much time to manually edit all of KR contents to JP, though I reeeeeeeeeeeeally want to :(

If want to use new file,

recommend re-download ALL OF SoundSystem.

※※※※※※※※※※Description & DL link※※※※※※※※※※

Actually, this mods can even work in KR or else KR voxes's server,
for simply move packinginfo.dat off and put files into a folder under datas.

Mods ported from TW by myself, the original SoulWorker's JP voice mod creator.

https://forum.gamer.com.tw/C.php?bsn=21911&snA=1481 )

What's included (summary):

 a. JP voxes for all characters, scenetalks or actions even BOSS/NPC.
 b. Some custom made stuff that made myself or mixed from JP
  (detailed at the end of this article).
 c. No voxes or scenetalks missing or overlapped.
  (might have some minor issue. If crashed occured or dialogue cutted, please let me know if possible.)
 e. Already added JP voices for Chii and all scenetalks start from GrassCoverCamp.
 f. Pre-added LunarFall's JP voice for JunkQueen, Edgar, Arcculus, LV65~68's JP.

2017年9月19日 星期二

blogger 建立初帖

其實從以前就一直想建立個 blogger,
也比較希望這一個 blogger 能依照自己所喜歡的事物來分享和建立一切,
撇除了 facebook 和 LINE 各種不能公開和不方便的因素,